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What is a Sentence and It's Parts

What is a Sentence?


An Arranged group of words that give complete meaning is called a sentence.

Exp: He a boy is. ( Unarranged )

He is a boy. ( Arranged )

Parts of Sentence

1. Subject 

2. Predicate

1: Subject 

The topic of the sentence is called the subject.

Exp: She goes to school. ( here she is the subject )

2: Predicate

The best part of the sentence except the subject is called a predicate.

Exp: The boys are playing a game.

Parts of Predicate

1. Verb

2. Object

3. Adverbial

1: Verb

A word or words that show an action, state, or event is called a verb.

Exp: He wrote a letter ( Action )

She is a girl ( State )

A horrible accident happened ( event )

Kinds of Verb

1. Ordinary Verb

2. Auxiliary Verb

1: Ordinary Verb

The verb which shows work in the sentence is called an ordinary verb.

Exp: She cooks meals. 

They went to school.

Kinds of Ordinary Verb

1. Regular Verb ( weak verb )

2. Irregular Verb ( Strong Verb )

1: Regular Verb 

The verb which takes D/ED to make its past and past participle is called a regular verb.

Exp: Work Worked Worked 

Wash Washed Washed 

2: Irregular Verb

The verb which changes its shape by making its past and past participle is called an irregular verb.

Exp: Write Wrote Written

Sing Sang Sung

2. Auxiliary Verb 

The Verb that comes with the main verb and shows tenses mood or to make a question is called an auxiliary verb.

Exp: He has driven a car ( Tense )

It may rain ( Mood )

Do we work hard? ( Question )

2. Object 

a word which accepts the effect of verb is called object.

Exp: They wrote a letter.

She eats an apple daily. 

Kiinds of Object

1. Direct Object

2. Indirect Object

1: Direct Object

The object which accepts the effect of verb directly is called direct object.

Exp: He is throwing a stone to me. ( Direct Object )

2: Indirect Object

The object which accepts the effect of verb indirectly is called indirect object.

Exp: She gave me a flower. ( Indirect Object )

3: Adverbial 

Any extra information in the sentence about subject, verb, object is called adverbial.

Exp: They ran fast yesterday.
Ahmed always goes to school.
The boy with the ball is my brother.

Kinds of Adverbial

1. Simple Adverbial
2. Phrase
3. Clause

1: Simple Adverbial 

one word adverbial which comes in the middle of the sentence or at the end of the sentence is called simple adverbial.

Exp: He sometimes speaks English.
She write slowly.

Kinds of Simple Advebial

1. Mid Position
2. End Position

1: Mid Position

It comes in the middle of the sentence or before the ordinary verb.

Exp: We always flirt with girls.

2. End Position

It comes at the end of the sentence or after the ordinary verb and it normally formed with (LY).

2. Phrase

It has no subject and no verb of it own and gives no complete meaning when it comes alone.

Exp: In the glass, on the table.

3. Clause

It has subject and verb of its own and gives complete meaning when it comes alone.

Exp: The boy who is speaking is Ali.
The pen which is on the table is broken.

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